The built-in type Month
represents months.
It has the following definition:
type Month
| January | February | March
| April | May | June
| July | August | September
| October | November | December
toInt : Month -> Int
Returns the month value for the given month.
val jan = Month::toInt January
// = 1
val aug = Month::toInt August
// = 8
firstDayOfMonth : Boolean -> Month -> Int
Returns the day-of-year of the 1st of the given month. The boolean argument flags whether the year is a leap year or not.
val firstOfAugustLeapYear = Month::firstDayOfMonth True August
// = 214
val firstOfAugustNonLeapYear = Month::firstDayOfMonth False August
// = 213
firstMonthOfQuarter : Month -> Month
Returns the first month of the quarter containing the given month.
val jan = Month::firstMonthOfQuarter March
// = January
val apr = Month::firstMonthOfQuarter May
// = April