Functions operating on numbers

The following functions supplement the built-in operators on numbers, like +, *, -, /.

Int::toFloat : Int -> Float

Converts an Int to a Float.


val a = Int::toFloat 4
//    = 4.0

Int::toString : Int -> String

Converts an Int to a String.


val a = Int::toString 4
//    = "4"

Float::toInt : Float -> Int

Converts a Float to an Int. The fractional part of the float is discarded. Since integers wrap around, it is possible to create under/overflows if the integral part is below -9223372036854775808 (-2^63) or above 9223372036854775807 (2^63 - 1). The conversion is performed using narrowing primitive conversion (


val a = Float::toInt 4.371
//    = 4
val b = Float::toInt (-6.7912)
//    = -6

Math::abs : Int -> Int

Get the absolute value of an Int.


val a = Math::abs (10 - 15)
//    = 5
val b = Math::abs 8
//    = 8

Math::fabs : Float -> Float

Get the absolute value of a Float.


val a = Math::fabs (10.0 - 15.0)
//    = 5.0
val b = Math::fabs 8.0
//    = 8.0

Math::pow : Float -> Float -> Float

The power function: \(a^b\).


val a = Math::pow 4.0 3.0
//    = 64.0

Math::sqrt : Float -> Float

The square root function: \(\sqrt{a}\).


val a = Math::sqrt 9.0
//    = 3.0

Math::round : Float -> Int -> RoundingMode -> Float

Round a number to a certain scale. The least significant digit is calculated based on the specified RoundingMode (see Rounding mode).


val a = Math::round 123.456 2 Down
//    = 123.45

Math::ceiling : Float -> Float

Round a number towards positive infinity.


val a = Math::ceiling 1.00001
//    = 2.0
val b = Math::ceiling (-1.99999)
//    = -1.0

Math::floor : Float -> Float

Round a number towards negative infinity.


val a = Math::floor 1.99999
//    = 1.0
val b = Math::floor (-1.00001)
//    = -2.0